Znajdywanie przypadków i śledzenie "kontaktów"

9 listopada 2021

23 czerwca 2021

22 maja 2021

27 października 2020

  • CDC Expands Definition of COVID-19 Exposure From 'Close Contact'
    Previously, the CDC cautioned against spending 15 minutes or longer in close proximity to an infected person, particularly in enclosed indoor spaces.

    In a new report published online October 21 in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, however, investigators "determined that an individual who had a series of shorter contacts that over time added up to more than 15 minutes became infected."

    Further review of the surveillance video showed that the officer had numerous brief encounters of approximately 1 minute each that cumulatively exceeded 15 minutes over a 24-hour period, the researchers reported.

  • Kogo uznaje się za osobę z kontaktu - raport ECDC.
    Wysokie ryzyko zakażenia występuje w przypadku:
    - kontaktu twarzą w twarz z osobą zakażoną w promieniu do dwóch metrów przez ponad łącznie 15 minut w trakcie 24 godzin;
    - fizycznego kontaktu z osobą zakażoną,
    - bezpośredniego kontaktu z zakaźną wydzieliną osoby chorej (np. kaszlu);
    - przebywania w zamkniętym pomieszczeniu (np. gospodarstwo domowe, klasa, sala
    - konferencyjna, poczekalnia szpitalna itp.) lub podróżowania z potwierdzonym przypadkiem przez ponad 15 minut;
    - pracownika ochrony zdrowia lub laboratorium pracujących bez zalecanych środków ochrony osobistej.

3 września 2020

  • Cell Phone Data to Predict COVID Cases -- Too 'Big Brother'
    In your pocket right now, or on your desk, or maybe your bedside table, is a sophisticated GPS-connected tracking device that has — more likely than not — been logging your movements for years now. Of course, you know it as a cell phone, and most of us have a vague sense that it knows more about us than we might like. That's right: Big Brother is watching you.

2 września 2020

24 sierpnia 2020

  • Covid-19: Is local contact tracing the answer?
    Last week, the government announced a major shift in its approach to covid-19 contact tracing in England, by giving local council public health teams more responsibility and shrinking the national Test and Trace scheme.

20 sierpnia 2020

27 lipca 2020

2 lipca 2020

  • Contact Tracer Teams Growing Amid New Challenges
    Woo and Cirillo are among the thousands of contact tracers nationwide who alert people that they have been exposed to COVID-19. "Exposed" means they came into close contact ― within 6 feet for more than 10 minutes ― with an infected person. "This is usually members of their household or co-workers," says Cirillo, who now trains case investigators and contact tracers.

21 czerwca 2020

17 czerwca 2020

31 maja 2020

  • Covid-19: Deadline for roll out of UK’s tracing app will be missed
    The app’s safety and efficiency have been called into question after experts found that personal and health information could be available to cyber-criminals.4

    There are also doubts over the usefulness of any app. Iceland’s Rakning C-19 app has been downloaded by 38% of Iceland’s population of 364 000,5 but Gestur Pálmason, a detective inspector with the Icelandic Police Service who is overseeing contact tracing efforts, described the technology as “more or less … I wouldn’t say useless, but it’s the integration of the two [tracing and testing] that gives you results. I would say it has proved useful in a few cases, but it wasn’t a game changer.”

28 maja 2020

26 maja 2020

  • Aplikacje w walce z pandemią – krok w stronę powszechnej inwigilacji
    Jeśli jesteście Państwo świadomymi użytkownikami i przy aktualizacji systemu operacyjnego w telefonie przeczytaliście Państwo regulamin zanim go zaakceptowaliście, to do momentu zaadoptowania lepszych standardów prywatności odradzałbym instalowanie ProteGo. Jeśli jednak akceptujecie regulaminy w innych aplikacjach z automatu, bez czytania, to poziom prywatności w kolejnej aplikacji, którą dołożycie do całego ekosystemu, nie ma większego znaczenia.(PAP)

25 maja 2020

  • Surveillance of COVID-19 at long-term facilities in the EU/EEA
    The high COVID-19 morbidity and mortality observed among residents in long-term care facilities (LTCF) in EU/EEA countries poses a major challenge for disease prevention and control in such settings. Furthermore, the lack of special surveillance systems and the differences in testing strategies and capacities among countries may have led to a significant under-ascertainment and under-reporting of cases, contributing to a general underestimation of the disease burden and mortality in LTCFs.

24 maja 2020

21 maja 2020

  • An AI Epidemiologist Sent the First Warnings of the Wuhan Virus
    The BlueDot algorithm scours news reports and airline ticketing data to predict the spread of diseases like those linked to the flu outbreak in China.
    BlueDot uses an AI-driven algorithm that scours foreign-language news reports, animal and plant disease networks, and official proclamations to give its clients advance warning to avoid danger zones like Wuhan.
  • Report 23 - State-level tracking of COVID-19 in the United States
    Nationally, our estimates show that the percentage of individuals that have been infected is 4.1% [3.7%-4.5%], with wide variation between states. For all states, even for the worst affected states, we estimate that less than a quarter of the population has been infected; in New York, for example, we estimate that 16.6% [12.8%-21.6%] of individuals have been infected to date. Our attack rates for New York are in line with those from recent serological studies [1] broadly supporting our modelling choices.

16 maja 2020

  • Covid-19 contact tracing: a briefing
    What is contact tracing? By finding out who has had close contact with an infected person, contact tracing can determine who should be tested or asked to self-isolate. If done swiftly, this can contain outbreaks within a small population. Even when a disease has become widespread, contact tracing can still help to curtail transmission. And it can reveal useful data on where and how the disease is spreading.
  • Covid-19: Government must change course or risk further wave of infections, scientists warn
    “Exit from the current lockdown must encompass a strategy of searching for the virus wherever it appears”.“We detect ambivalence in the government’s strategic response, with some advisers promoting the idea of simply ‘flattening the curve’ or ensuring the NHS is not overwhelmed. We find this attitude counterproductive and potentially dangerous. Without suppression, we shall inevitably see a more rapid return of local epidemics and face the prospect of further partial or national lockdowns.”
  • The point is that you’re trying to detect people early on in the infection, not when they’ve become symptomatic,”
    Covid-19: why is the UK government ignoring WHO’s advice?

    Case finding, contact tracing and testing, and strict quarantine are the classic tools in public health to control infectious diseases. WHO says they have been painstakingly adopted in China, with a high percentage of identified close contacts completing medical observation. In Singapore, Vietnam, and South Korea meticulous contact tracing combined with clinical observation plus testing were vital in containing the disease.

    The mathematical model used by the UK government clearly shows that rigorous contact tracing and case finding is effective:4 the prediction of 250 000 deaths was predicated on what would happen without contact tracing.5

    Contact tracing started in the UK but stopped early in the epidemic.6
  • Covid-19: Government must change course or risk further wave of infections, scientists warn
    A substantial proportion of contact tracing comprises telephone interviews with an infected person’s recent contacts—people who have been within 2 metres for 15 minutes or more,3 as suggested by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The centre also recommends that covid-19 contact tracers classify an infected person’s contacts as “high risk” or “low risk,”4 depending on the level of contact they report. It advises that tracers follow up with contacts to see if their infection status changes.
  • Undetected COVID-19 Cases Counted by NIH
    “This study will give us a clearer picture of the true magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States by telling us how many people in different communities have been infected without knowing it because they had a very mild, undocumented illness or did not access testing while they were sick,” said Anthony S. Fauci, MD, NIAID director. “These crucial data will help us measure the impact of our public health efforts now and guide our COVID-19 response moving forward.”

1 kwietnia 2020

20 marca 2020

  • Instagram may offer clues about the spread of the new coronavirus
    Posts on the social-media platform show the movements of visitors from virus hotspots

    The social-media platform may seem an odd tool for studying the coronavirus outbreak. It is older people, after all, who are most vulnerable to the virus; most Instagram users are under 35 years old. But young people can be powerful carriers of the illness. Because they often experience mild symptoms, infected youngsters may not know they are ill. If they are gregarious and eager to travel, as Instagram users often are, they are even more likely to spread the disease

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